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Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy - Cleaner Production Centre of Serbia

UNIDO in close cooperation with the main national stakeholders developed a three years project for the establishment and operation of a Cleaner Production Centre of Serbia (CPCS). Centre started to work on September 1, 2007 and it is located on the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade as its host-institution. The official launch of the CPCS was on the Sixth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” held in Belgrade in October 10-12, 2007.
Now CPCS represents a Faculty department with an Advisory Board, composed of representatives of all stakeholders (government, academia, industry, consulting companies). The Centre, with specialization in resource efficiency, works with number of educated and highly specialized national and international experts on different projects in Serbia and in the Region.
The CPCS offers a broad service portfolio, including, amongst others RECP trainings, plant assessments and audit services for companies, water and energy efficiency audits, Ecoprofit projects for municipalities using the RECP methodology, IPPC consulting servicies etc. The Serbian Cleaner Production Center has worked for over 70 companies (large enterprises and SMEs) from a variety of industrial sectors, has trained more than 60 consultants on RECP methodology and has conducted Ecoprofit Projects with two Municipalities. Furthermore, since 2010, the Centre's representatives have also been working as experts in resource efficiency and cleaner production of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on projects in Serbia, Russia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Cleaner Production Assessments’ results performed in companies are following:
• Average savings per company: 100,000 EUR/year
• Average decrease of water consumption: 50,000 m3/year
• Average decrease in electrical power consumption: 500 MWh/year
• Average decrease in CO2 emission: 500 t/year
Recently, Centre was commissioned by Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade to conduct two important Projects “Further Implementation of the IPPC/IE Directive in the Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs” and “Further Implementation of the IE Directive in Serbia” These Projects provide support the Serbian Competent Authorities and operators in the implementation of the IE & IPPC Directives.

Furthermore, Centre is Global Coordinator for Technical Assistance at UNEP “Global best practices on emerging chemical policy issues of concern under SAICM” Project which promotes action by governments and industry to phase out lead in paints.

The CPCS works with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and has good cooperation with different international organisations, academia, consulting companies etc.

On the global level, the Cleaner Production Centre of Serbia is a member of the Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP net), supported by UNIDO and UNEP.

Geographic Location

Belgrade, Srbija
Sector(s): Academia
Fields of interest:
Chemical Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Education, Chemical Safety, Electrochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, Other Chemical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials engineering, Climate change, Environmental management, Natural Resources Management, Pollution and contamination, Applied mathematics, Physics