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Displaying 1 - 12 of 23Information webinar! Sign up through the Zoom link below.February 13, 2025 7pm EST.The Green Chemistry for Climate and Sustainability Certificate Program through the Yale School of the Environment is a 9-month, online, admissions-based curriculum for professionals and students in the chemical enterprise and related fields who wish to use the power and potential of green and sustainable chemistry and engineering to mitigate global climate and environmental challenges. The program does not require an extensive background in chemistry.Visit our website!
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The 35th Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON) will have the theme, “Chemistry for a Changing World." The conference holds the promise of unraveling new dimensions in scientific research and innovation, particularly in the field of chemistry. The Institute of Science at Suranaree University of Technology, known for its commitment to academic excellence and applicable, cutting-edge research, is honoured to host this stimulating and inspiring event that can be an instrument to reflect and materialise our commitment to our changing world. Co-organized by the Chemical Society of Thailand, the conference will have 12 scientific sessions and four special symposia on topics like emerging technologies for climate change, environmental chemistry and renewable energy, and polymer chemistry and biobased materials.PACCON2025 will be not only a platform for disseminating knowledge but also a catalyst for meaningful connections and collaborations among the participants.
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The Division of Chemical Health & Safety (CHAS) Two-Year College (2YC) Community of Practice welcomes individuals who are interested in chemical health and safety in two-year colleges and similar institutions. To support faculty, staff, and students at such institutions, the Community hosts CHAS Chats on a quarterly basis.Please join the 2YC Community for our next CHAS Chat: Navigating Organic Solvent Use in Laboratories. This interactive discussion, led by the 2YC Community of Practice chair Dwayne Henry, will take place from 4:00-5:00 PM EDT on Thursday, February 20th, 2025. We will broadly discuss ongoing environmental regulations, resources for substitution of various solvents, and risk assessment for handling common organic solvents. Health hazards related to the use of common organic solvents will also be explored. If interested, please register via Eventbrite.You do not need to officially join the 2YC Community or be affiliated with a two-year college to join the CHAS Chat. We invite you to visit our 2YC Community page to view CHAS Chat schedules, recordings of past CHAS Chats, and information regarding how to join the 2YC email list. Contact Dwayne Henry at [email protected] with any questions.
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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will host a workshop exploring the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in chemical sciences and drug discovery. Sponsored by the Chemical Sciences Roundtable, this event will bring together researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to examine how AI tools can address data biases and democratize pharmaceutical research, potentially reducing drug development costs down from billions of dollars and decades of work. The workshop will discuss AI's role in expanding research capacity, particularly for rare diseases, while exploring critical challenges such as preventing healthcare disparities and ensuring access to advanced technological resources. Panel discussions and a foresight exercise will feature thought leaders examining the integration of AI, laboratory automation, and robotics to advance the chemical sciences' role in traditional drug discovery. Workshop Session Panels:
- Drug Discovery: "The Future is Now" | This panel will focus on how advanced tools like AI/ML, robotics, and automation are transforming the chemical laboratories to efficiently progress the drug discovery process.
- Expanding Access: "Removing the Biases from Drug Discovery" | Discussions will shift to emphasize how investments into the advanced tools used in and the data generated from the drug discovery process contributes collectively to the affordability and availabilty of patient care across a broad spectrum of diseases.
- Foresight Activity: "Imagining the Future" (interactive breakout sessions) | Breakout groups plan to have independent discussions on how enhanced efficiency of the drug discovery process can produce potentially meaningful results for the future of practicing medicine that will be later compiled for the workshop and the proceedings-in-brief.
- Building the Community: "Out of the Box Success Stories" | Closing this exciting meeting, we will explore on how collaboration between citizen scientists and other relevant groups can contribute to shared responsibilities, open communication, and access to advanced technological resources to maximize innovations in the drug discovery process that facilitate the highest delivery of patient care.
- Alexandra Snyder Charen, Executive Vice President and Head of R&D, Generate Biomedicines
- David Hamon, International Affairs Specialist/ Policy, Strategy & Communications Team Lead, Sawdey Solutions Services
- Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, Co-Founder, Emily's Entourage
- James Li, President, GondolaBio
- Jesse Kilpatrick, Co-Director of the Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center, George Mason University
- Lynda Chin, Founder, President and CEO, Apricty Health
- Margaret Honey, President & CEO, Scratch Foundation
- Nick Davis, Managing Partner, Changer
- Nicolò Fusi, General Manager, Microsoft Research
- Sanmi Koyejo, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
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Pittcon is a dynamic, international conference and exposition on laboratory science, a venue for presenting the latest advances in analytical research and scientific instrumentation, and a platform for continuing education and science-enhancing opportunity.At Pittcon, our goal is to advance scientific endeavor through collaboration, bringing together a world of knowledge to impact, enrich, and inspire the future of science. Pittcon is a catalyst for the exchange of information, a showcase of the latest advances in laboratory science, and a venue for international connectivity.Pittcon also offers networking opportunities, social events, and an environment that fosters knowledge and expands your network of scientific resources.Proceeds from each and every Pittcon directly fund science education and outreach. Over 90% of Pittcon’s net profit goes on to fund primary and secondary education, continuing education, scholarships, laboratory improvements, and outreach activities.
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The Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference is focused on inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable chemistry.Invited speakers will be joined by the finalists of the Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge, contributed talks, and posters for which abstracts are invited.Reasons to attend:
- Interact with high-level speakers: including government representatives and leading researchers from industry and academia.
- Gain a global perspective: coverage includes experience from the developed world and insight from developing countries.
- Understand industry viewpoints: experts and thought-leaders from top chemical companies and organisations explore how industry can better demonstrate the value of 'green' and 'sustainable' across its value chains and to end consumers.
- Present your latest research: Share your research as a short talk or in our lively poster sessions
- Grow your professional network
- Find out about the most environmentally sustainable innovations: hear from the winners of the Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge.
- Spreading sustainable chemistry worldwide: Share your experiences in research, teaching and good practice.
- Abstract submission deadline: 4 October 2024
- Author notification: 18 November 2024
- Author registration and early booking deadline: 15 December 2024
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You are invited to attend the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) Peer-Led Workshop “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture” on Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 2:00—5:30 PM EST via Zoom. This workshop discusses the challenges of students making the transition to being independent researchers in academia. Topics discussed include: risk assessment of research projects, understanding the often confusing safety hierarchies of academic institutions, and graduate student-led Laboratory Safety Teams (LSTs). Faculty and safety staff are also encouraged to attend in order to expand their understanding of these challenges and seek ways to become better Champions for these researchers. Interested parties must register for this highly-interactive workshop by Friday, March 14, 2025 on EventBrite. The registration cost is $25.00. This workshop is brought to you by CHAS, a vibrant, active community of nearly 1,700 volunteers dedicated to providing authoritative technical resources and mentorship to individuals in varying stages of their education and career. Visit the Division’s website to browse its projects and activities, and contact [email protected] to learn more about joining this community!
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The ACS Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents "Bonds That Matter: Soft Materials for a Sustainable World" at the Spring 2025 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education, the all-day symposium is entirely planned by graduate students, including topic selection, fundraising, recruiting speakers, advertising, and symposium logistics. The focus of the symposium is the production and processing of high performance, sustainable soft matter and its role in achieving a circular economy. This will include talks from leading experts and rising stars, along with a networking student poster session over lunch. Visit our website for latest updates and social media links.Email: [email protected]
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Information webinar! Sign up through the Zoom link below.April 1, 2025 8am EDT.The Green Chemistry for Climate and Sustainability Certificate Program through the Yale School of the Environment is a 9-month, online, admissions-based curriculum for professionals and students in the chemical enterprise and related fields who wish to use the power and potential of green and sustainable chemistry and engineering to mitigate global climate and environmental challenges. The program does not require an extensive background in chemistry.Visit our website!
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Time and time again, multidisciplinary research is touted as essential to innovation. That is why, from April 7-11, 2025, researchers working in seemingly unrelated fields will gather in Seattle, Washington to promote, share and discuss issues and developments across disciplines at the 2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit. Meeting venues include the Summit, the Seattle Convention Center's brand new addition, as well as the Hyatt Regency Seattle.The 2025 MRS Spring Meeting is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science, and offers an opportunity for researchers—from students and postdoctoral fellows, to Nobel and Kavli Prize Laureates—to exchange technical information and network with colleagues.
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Emerald Isle Conference on Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering.EIC 2025 QUB Belfast 9-11th April 2025. The aim of this international conference is to act as a venue for green chemists, engineers and educators to meet on the Emerald Isle, share best practice and strengthen collaboration, and for global thought leaders to offer insights and shape the future direction of green chemistry and engineering education, research and industrial implementation.We look forward to welcoming you to Belfast in April 2025!
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The African Green Chemistry School and Environmental Sustainability (GreenChmeAfrica) represents a pivotal initiative aimed at addressing critical environmental challenges and promoting sustainable chemical practices across the African continent. It aims to position Africa at the forefront of sustainable technological innovation, creating pathways for more resilient and environmentally conscious development strategies.This innovative program brings together leading academic researchers, environmental experts, industry professionals, and emerging scholars to explore cutting-edge approaches in green chemistry and environmental conservation. By combining interdisciplinary learning and practical training through a series of pedagogical presentations, hand-on workshops, and collaborative platforms, the program seeks to empower the next generation of African scientists and innovators to design environmentally responsible technologies and practices. The second edition of GreenChemAfrica will be held at the main UM6P campus in Benguerir from 20th to 26th April 2025. We invite late PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows, early career professors and industrial professionals from across Africa to join us to learn about innovative solutions to environmental challenges. 📅 **Dates:** April 20 - 25, 2025 📍 **Location:** UM6P Main Campus, Benguerir, MoroccoApplication Details: For more information on the application process, and the detailed program, please visit our website [GreenChemAfrica2025].Cutting-Edge Topics: Explore the latest advancements in green chemistry, renewable resources, waste management, and eco-friendly technologies.Expert Speakers: Engage with leading professionals and researchers who are shaping the future of green chemistry and sustainable practices.Hands-On Workshops: Participate in interactive sessions that will enhance your knowledge and skills in sustainable chemistry and environmental management.Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow students, researchers, and industry leaders from across Africa and beyond.For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at [[email protected]].
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