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Displaying 1 - 12 of 18Are you a PhD student working on understanding and solving the plastics crisis? Would you like to present at a conference for others in your field at PhD level?The Revolution Plastics Institute invites all PhD students studying plastics to a two-day conference at the University of Portsmouth in March 2025.Conference overviewUnabated plastic production and mismanaged waste has resulted in a plastic pollution crisis that spans the globe and negatively impacts human, animal and ecosystem health. The plastics life cycle also significantly contributes to climate change. Urgent action is needed. There is a pressing need for research into the impacts of plastics and potential solutions. This requires good communication across disciplines and across the country. Collaboration is key.This conference will provide a space for the next generation of plastics researchers to network, present and share their ideas.
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You are invited to attend the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) Peer-Led Workshop “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture” on Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 2:00—5:30 PM EST via Zoom. This workshop discusses the challenges of students making the transition to being independent researchers in academia. Topics discussed include: risk assessment of research projects, understanding the often confusing safety hierarchies of academic institutions, and graduate student-led Laboratory Safety Teams (LSTs). Faculty and safety staff are also encouraged to attend in order to expand their understanding of these challenges and seek ways to become better Champions for these researchers. Interested parties must register for this highly-interactive workshop by Friday, March 14, 2025 on EventBrite. The registration cost is $25.00. This workshop is brought to you by CHAS, a vibrant, active community of nearly 1,700 volunteers dedicated to providing authoritative technical resources and mentorship to individuals in varying stages of their education and career. Visit the Division’s website to browse its projects and activities, and contact [email protected] to learn more about joining this community!
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The ACS Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents "Bonds That Matter: Soft Materials for a Sustainable World" at the Spring 2025 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education, the all-day symposium is entirely planned by graduate students, including topic selection, fundraising, recruiting speakers, advertising, and symposium logistics. The focus of the symposium is the production and processing of high performance, sustainable soft matter and its role in achieving a circular economy. This will include talks from leading experts and rising stars, along with a networking student poster session over lunch. Visit our website for latest updates and social media links.Email: [email protected]
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Information webinar! Sign up through the Zoom link below.April 1, 2025 8am EDT.The Green Chemistry for Climate and Sustainability Certificate Program through the Yale School of the Environment is a 9-month, online, admissions-based curriculum for professionals and students in the chemical enterprise and related fields who wish to use the power and potential of green and sustainable chemistry and engineering to mitigate global climate and environmental challenges. The program does not require an extensive background in chemistry.Visit our website!
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Time and time again, multidisciplinary research is touted as essential to innovation. That is why, from April 7-11, 2025, researchers working in seemingly unrelated fields will gather in Seattle, Washington to promote, share and discuss issues and developments across disciplines at the 2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit. Meeting venues include the Summit, the Seattle Convention Center's brand new addition, as well as the Hyatt Regency Seattle.The 2025 MRS Spring Meeting is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science, and offers an opportunity for researchers—from students and postdoctoral fellows, to Nobel and Kavli Prize Laureates—to exchange technical information and network with colleagues.
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Emerald Isle Conference on Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering.EIC 2025 QUB Belfast 9-11th April 2025. The aim of this international conference is to act as a venue for green chemists, engineers and educators to meet on the Emerald Isle, share best practice and strengthen collaboration, and for global thought leaders to offer insights and shape the future direction of green chemistry and engineering education, research and industrial implementation. The program is now online:The deadline for poster abstracts is 7th March.Registration closes at 5pm (GMT London) on 12th March 2025We look forward to welcoming you to Belfast in April 2025!
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The African Green Chemistry School and Environmental Sustainability (GreenChmeAfrica) represents a pivotal initiative aimed at addressing critical environmental challenges and promoting sustainable chemical practices across the African continent. It aims to position Africa at the forefront of sustainable technological innovation, creating pathways for more resilient and environmentally conscious development strategies.This innovative program brings together leading academic researchers, environmental experts, industry professionals, and emerging scholars to explore cutting-edge approaches in green chemistry and environmental conservation. By combining interdisciplinary learning and practical training through a series of pedagogical presentations, hand-on workshops, and collaborative platforms, the program seeks to empower the next generation of African scientists and innovators to design environmentally responsible technologies and practices. The second edition of GreenChemAfrica will be held at the main UM6P campus in Benguerir from 20th to 26th April 2025. We invite late PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows, early career professors and industrial professionals from across Africa to join us to learn about innovative solutions to environmental challenges. 📅 **Dates:** April 20 - 25, 2025 📍 **Location:** UM6P Main Campus, Benguerir, MoroccoApplication Details: For more information on the application process, and the detailed program, please visit our website [GreenChemAfrica2025].Cutting-Edge Topics: Explore the latest advancements in green chemistry, renewable resources, waste management, and eco-friendly technologies.Expert Speakers: Engage with leading professionals and researchers who are shaping the future of green chemistry and sustainable practices.Hands-On Workshops: Participate in interactive sessions that will enhance your knowledge and skills in sustainable chemistry and environmental management.Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow students, researchers, and industry leaders from across Africa and beyond.For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at [[email protected]].
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Information webinar! Sign up through the Zoom link below.April 30, 2025 7pm EST.The Green Chemistry for Climate and Sustainability Certificate Program through the Yale School of the Environment is a 9-month, online, admissions-based curriculum for professionals and students in the chemical enterprise and related fields who wish to use the power and potential of green and sustainable chemistry and engineering to mitigate global climate and environmental challenges. The program does not require an extensive background in chemistry.Visit our website!
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Date & LocationMay 6 - 8, 2025 in Traverse City, MI, USAPurpose & ObjectivesTo build global commercialization bridges across sectors to realize the value of wood residuals for a profitable and sustainable economy.
- Demonstrate the value proposition for wood residuals
- Identify challenges facing wood residual market development
- Build a global network to accelerate development, tech transfer and commercialization of wood residuals.
- Forest industry mills and manufacturers that generate mill residuals (wood chips, sawdust, and its derivaties)
- Companies that use (or could use) these materials in higher value products include chemicals, packaging, cosmetic & personal care products, building products, and more.
- Innovators with scalable technologies utilizing wood residuals.
- Essential supporters including government entities, research, development and innovation organizations, financing sector including venture capital, trade organizations, non-profit organizations, consultants, etc.
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- November 15th, 2024: Registration opening
- Before March 30th, 2025: Early bird registration
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Great Lakes Region of the American Chemical Society is an incorporated group of 20 ACS Local Sections the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The Sections work together to sponsor technical meetings, present awards and recognitions, and organize activities of interest to benefit the members and the general public.The theme of the 2025 GLR conference is Chemistry for a Better Planet. Chemistry has led to hundreds of innovative solutions over the last several centuries and it will continue to do so. Chemistry helps us gain a better understanding of the world around us, in all facets of life: health care, environmental science, and more. Chemistry and the planet are closely intertwined with one another and there are connections at all different levels and scales. With this theme, we hope to encourage curiosity and ingenuity to explore and discover all the possibilities that exist between the two.
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The 19th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment Conference Chairs warmly welcome participants to the 19th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2025). This prestigious event will be hosted by the Serbian Chemical Society with the support of the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad. More than 450 participants from Europe and around the world are expected.Continual knowledge development is essential to ensure a healthy environment and the safe progress of society. ICCE 2025 aims to accelerate this process by addressing a wide range of challenges and developments from the perspective of Environmental Chemistry, serving societal sustainability goals.ICCE 2025 will provide an excellent platform for networking, exchange and collaboration. It offers a unique opportunity to share and discuss research not only within the research community but also with industry professionals and competent authorities.The goal of ICCE 2025 is to jointly contribute to a better understanding of pollutants’ cycling, and their fate and effects in the environment, while advancing pollution prevention and waste management. The latest developments in environmental analysis, pollution monitoring and risk assessment directly impact societal response, which inevitably focus on various sustainability strategies. To be effective, these responses must be supported by excellent knowledge-based tools and societal inspiration, both offered by ICCE 2025.
- We invite you to contribute to our scientific sessions, either by presenting your novel research or by discussing the research of others with colleagues. Our wide conference topics within the discipline of Environmental Chemistry will undoubtedly accommodate your latest research needs and results. Attendees can look forward to presentations and discussions on the latest scientific advancements and cutting-edge research in Environmental Chemistry.
- Prior to the opening ceremony on Sunday June 8th, several attractive satellite events will be organized by experts, condensing the latest and most appealing developments in the field. You are welcome to join us!
- We also invite you to visit our Exhibition area to meet our supporters directly.
- Explore the support we offer for young scientists.
- A special Editorial Discussion Panel will provide a platform for direct exchange of know-how and challenges in editorial and publishing work with editors of renowned international scientific journals. We hope this will open new perspectives for your scientific work.
- Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy Serbia and take home memorable experiences!
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