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Green Gold: Wood Residuals Summit 2025

Date & Location

May 6 - 8, 2025 in Traverse City, MI, USA

Purpose & Objectives

To build global commercialization bridges across sectors to realize the value of wood residuals for a profitable and sustainable economy.

  • Demonstrate the value proposition for wood residuals
  • Identify challenges facing wood residual market development
  • Build a global network to accelerate development, tech transfer and commercialization of wood residuals.

Who Should Attend

International N.I.C.E. Conference on Bioinspiration & Biobased Materials

The aim of this conference is to convene chemists, physicists, biologists, material scientists, and engineers from both academic and industrial institutes to share new developments and techniques in the domain of bio-inspired, bio-based, and bio-sourced chemistry and materials development. The conference will highlight recent advances in engineering and materials science that employ bio-inspired techniques and materials.

ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT 2024

Whether we are aware of it or not, the chemical industry and downstream sectors that use chemicals impact nearly every manufacturing and service sector worldwide and are deeply connected with humanity's way of living. The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) facilitates the transformation of these sectors towards Sustainable Chemistry as a major contribution to achieving the United Nations SDGs. Sustainable Chemistry addresses the needs of the present without compromising the ecological, social and economic well-being of future generations.

2025 Great Lakes Regional Meeting: Chemistry for a Better Planet

Great Lakes Region of the American Chemical Society is an incorporated group of 20 ACS Local Sections the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The Sections work together to sponsor technical meetings, present awards and recognitions, and organize activities of interest to benefit the members and the general public.

PACCON 2025: Chemistry for a Changing World

The 35th Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON) will have the theme, “Chemistry for a Changing World." The conference holds the promise of unraveling new dimensions in scientific research and innovation, particularly in the field of chemistry. The Institute of Science at Suranaree University of Technology, known for its commitment to academic excellence and applicable, cutting-edge research, is honoured to host this stimulating and inspiring event that can be an instrument to reflect and materialise our commitment to our changing world.

19th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

The 19th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment Conference Chairs warmly welcome participants to the 19th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2025). This prestigious event will be hosted by the Serbian Chemical Society with the support of the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad. More than 450 participants from Europe and around the world are expected.