Rolling Grant Cycles - With our opn2EXPERTS program, we invite you to explore novel solutions for discovery research that will benefit the future unmet needs of patients. Every question will address precisely described problems. The submission period will be limited. However, we may leave some…
Funding Opportunities
Our Sustainable Laboratories Grant aims to accelerate the chemical sciences community’s journey to environmentally sustainable research and innovation.
Funding is available for initiatives and activities that achieve one or more of the following aims:
- Advance understanding of…
The Green Chemistry Education Challenge Awards aims to support the integration of green chemistry education into courses and curricula with financial aid to achieve impactful change. Strong applications will receive funding to achieve the following goals:
- Increase the awareness of…
The Safer Chemistry Impact Fund (SCI Fund), an innovative blended capital initiative aimed at eliminating the use of hazardous chemicals and accelerating the transition to safer chemistry, proudly announces its inaugural Request For Proposal (RFP).
The Fund is seeking proposals from…
To recognize outstanding scientific discoveries that lay the foundation for environmentally-friendly products or manufacturing processes at a cost comparable to or less than that of current technologies or discoveries that deliver new applications with compelling cost/benefit…
To encourage creativity in research and technology or methods of analysis to provide a scientific basis for informed environmental control decision-making processes or to provide practical technologies that will reduce health risk factors.
To recognize a single inventor for the successful application of research in chemistry and/or chemical engineering that contributes to the material prosperity and happiness of people.
The award consists of $5,000 and a…
The Ciba Green Chemistry Travel Awards sponsor the participation of undergraduate and graduate students studying at institutions in the U.S. to attend the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and present their work in a talk or poster.
The Joseph Breen Memorial Travel Fellowships sponsor the participation of students (undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral) to attend the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and present their work in a talk or poster.
These awards are…
The Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Award provides national recognition and honor for outstanding student contributions to furthering the goals of green chemistry and engineering through research and/or studies. This includes but is not limited to the research,…