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Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF) Research Grants

Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF)


Eligible Recipient(s)
Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher
University Faculty

EREF is one of the largest sources of private research funding in North America related to sustainable materials management. Our grants program has provided millions of dollars in funding to cutting edge research institutions to help address the many challenges that exist.

The Strategic Research Priorities (Climate Change Impacts/GHG Emissions, Emerging Contaminants, and Advancing Materials Circularity & Recycling) are of equal importance, and proposals will not be rated more strongly for one priority area over another. Some subtopics within each priority area also have specific topics of interest identified proposals that are aligned with these subtopics are of particular interest to EREF. Proposals must meet EREF’s definition of solid waste as noted at the end of this RFP. Submitted pre-proposals must relate to sustainable solid waste management practices and at least one of the following Priority areas.

Country (select all that apply)
Application Deadline
Application Deadline Type
Specific Date