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green chemistry

OSHA 10-Hour Course with a Lab Safety Focus

This specialized OSHA 10-Hour Course from the Laboratory Safety Institute focuses on promoting lab safety and ensuring compliance with OSHA standards, specifically tailored to laboratory environments. It emphasizes safety practices to mitigate risks associated with working in a lab, such as chemical handling, hazardous materials, and biological agents, while providing foundational OSHA training.

ViridisChem Chemical Analyzer

Tool Owner

ViridisChem has built one of the largest and most comprehensive chemical databases and an in-silico data generator with a focus on toxicity of chemicals.  The Chemical Analyzer tool offers critical information to help define safer-greener and sustainable product development.

Here are some powerful features we have added to our product Chemical Analyzer:

2025 Great Lakes Regional Meeting: Chemistry for a Better Planet

Great Lakes Region of the American Chemical Society is an incorporated group of 20 ACS Local Sections the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The Sections work together to sponsor technical meetings, present awards and recognitions, and organize activities of interest to benefit the members and the general public.

Green Chemistry and Environmental Justice Workshop

Join for a lively discussion on how we chemists and engineers can work to advance environmental justice. This two-part workshop is open to undergraduate and graduate students in Chemistry, ChBE, and related fields at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Co-sponsored by:
* Office of DEI in the Chemical Sciences at UIUC
* NOBCChE at Illinois
* SACNAS and Friends at UIUC



Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry

The scientific character of green chemistry has been a matter of dispute since its inception. This book aims to clarify that dispute. Author Johan Alfredo Linthorst presents a historical analysis of the birth and evolution of green chemistry, with a special focus on the USA, the UK and the Netherlands and the chemical societies in these countries.

An overview: origins and development of green chemistry

This article provides an overview of the origins and development of green chemistry. Aiming to contribute to the understanding of green chemistry, basically from a historical point of view, this overview argues that contextual influences and the user friendliness of the term are drivers for the explosive growth of green chemistry. It is observed that political support for its development has been significant, in which the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 was a formal political starting-point, but informally the origins of green chemistry go back to before 1990.