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ACS Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award

American Chemical Society (ACS)


Eligible Recipient(s)
Undergraduate Student


To provide national recognition for ACS student chapters that have shown outstanding commitment to incorporating green chemistry into their annual activities.


The Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award is an acknowledgement of green chemistry activities conducted by a student chapter. Knowledge of and involvement in green chemistry principles and practices is essential for preparing students for careers in which they can work toward solutions to global sustainability challenges.


ACS student chapters may receive a green chemistry award by providing: 

  • a detailed summary of at least three green chemistry activities during the academic year
  • a brief explanation of why each activity qualifies as an example of green chemistry, and
  • one or more of the 12 principles of green chemistry that directly relate to each activity.

Learn more about what activities are eligible. Please be sure to read about what qualifies as green chemistry activities. There are important differences between green chemistry, sustainability, environmental science, ecology, etc., so be sure you fully understand what “green chemistry” means. If you have questions, please contact the Green Chemistry Institute at [email protected]


May 31 annually


Field of Interest
Country (select all that apply)
Application Deadline
Application Deadline Type
Specific Date