ACS Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award
To provide national recognition for ACS student chapters that have shown outstanding commitment to incorporating green chemistry into their annual activities.
To provide national recognition for ACS student chapters that have shown outstanding commitment to incorporating green chemistry into their annual activities.
The Green Chemistry Education Challenge Awards aims to support the integration of green chemistry education into courses and curricula with financial aid to achieve impactful change. Strong applications will receive funding to achieve the following goals:
About the Award
In Honor of Ken Zarker, Toxics Use Reduction Champion
The Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2) initiated the Ken Zarker Award to help inspire the next generation of changemakers to follow in Ken’s footsteps and realize the vision of the IC2 to promote the development and use of safer chemicals and products for a clean environment, healthy communities, and a vital economy.
The Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Award provides national recognition and honor for outstanding student contributions to furthering the goals of green chemistry and engineering through research and/or studies. This includes but is not limited to the research, development, and implementation of fundamental and innovative chemical technologies that incorporate the principles of green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture, and use, and that have the potential to be utilized in achieving national pollution prevention goals.
The Joseph Breen Memorial Travel Fellowships sponsor the participation of students (undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral) to attend the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and present their work in a talk or poster.
To provide national recognition for ACS student chapters that have shown outstanding commitment to incorporating green chemistry into their annual activities.
The Ciba Green Chemistry Travel Awards sponsor the participation of undergraduate and graduate students studying at institutions in the U.S. to attend the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and present their work in a talk or poster.