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Green Chemistry Education Challenge Awards for Student Groups

Beyond Benign


Eligible Recipient(s)
Undergraduate Student

The Green Chemistry Education Challenge Awards aims to support the integration of green chemistry education into courses and curricula with financial aid to achieve impactful change. Strong applications will receive funding to achieve the following goals:

  • Increase the awareness of green chemistry and the Green Chemistry Commitment (GCC) program across the chemistry department and institution.
  • Increase awareness of the institution’s dedication to green chemistry education through conference attendance, webinars, publications, social media campaigns, etc.
  • Transform curriculum and lab procedures to achieve the GCC’s Green Chemistry Student Learning Objectives so all chemistry majors, upon graduation, have proficiency in the following essential green chemistry competencies: Theory, Toxicology, Laboratory Skills & Application.

Beyond Benign's Grant Program will offer funding to ACS Student Chapters to help them apply for an ACS Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award.

Funding from Beyond Benign will be used to support and run green chemistry projects and/or events to fulfill the ACS award requirements. Funding for ACSStudent Chapters will be awarded and preference will be given to Chapters from Minority-Serving Institutions or whose members are from minority communities and/or work with minority communities.

There is currently no application deadline. Awards will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis as award funding becomes available.

Country (select all that apply)
Application Deadline
Application Deadline Type
Specific Date