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Sustainable Laboratories Grant

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Eligible Recipient(s)

Our Sustainable Laboratories Grant aims to accelerate the chemical sciences community’s journey to environmentally sustainable research and innovation.

Funding is available for initiatives and activities that achieve one or more of the following aims:

  • Advance understanding of environmentally sustainable laboratory practice
  • Increase the take-up of environmentally sustainable laboratory practices in the chemical sciences 
  • Facilitate sharing of best practices
Environmentally sustainable research practice refers to doing research activities in a way which minimises their impact on the environment.



The grants are open to everyone regardless of career stage, job role, sector, or location. Applications may also involve a co-applicant, but they must have a clear role and responsibilities in delivering the project. Please read our FAQs for more information.

The lead applicant (or co-applicant) must be an RSC member (of any level). Applicants, whether as a lead applicant or co-applicants can only be part of one application per round.

Country (select all that apply)
Application Deadline
Application Deadline Type
Specific Date