Learn the latest science findings on the causes of climate change and credible approaches to reduce the carbon emissions associated with your organization’s operations.
Pricing: Starting USD 1,895.00
Dates and Location TBD
About the Course
This short course provides a thorough overview of climate change plus an extensive reference list so that you can continue a self-paced learning journey following the course. It will help you accelerate your organization or group’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint to meet the new, more aggressive carbon reduction goal recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their 2018 Special Report.
Key Topics
- Fundamentals of climate change science that explains anthropogenic climate change from a scientific point-of-view
- Content and resources to address questions and concerns about global climate change
- The difference between mitigation and adaptation
- Tools and techniques to set a credible carbon mitigation goal for a group or organization
- How to track progress against a carbon mitigation goal
What You Will Learn
Scientists working in the chemical, crop science, material science, pharmaceutical, and information technologies with responsibilities in product development, supply chain operations, manufacturing operations, environmental impact, marketing, sales, corporate communications, recruitment, and training.
Who Should Attend
Chemists, regulatory, and other technical professionals who have organizational responsibilities for reporting and communicating the fate and adverse effects of chemicals in the environment as part of regulatory matters, community safety, product stewardship, and product development.
No prior experience or knowledge of climate change is required.