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Practical Green Chemistry Tools and Techniques for Research & Development Scientists

picture from workshop
Target Audience
Training Format
Level of Training

This free workshop offered at the ACS Spring 2024 meeting in New Orleans will equip industry-based R&D chemists and engineers, as well as graduate students, with practical green chemistry tools, methods, and metrics. The content of this workshop will cover green chemistry basics through to the most recent innovative tools and metrics widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. The workshop will be tailored toward scientists and engineers working in batch chemical operations in common use within the pharma industry, but the tools may be applied to other allied chemical industries (e.g. agriscience and animal health).

Instructors are Dr. Isamir Martinez, Sr. Manager of Scientific Alliances and Business Engagement at the ACS Green Chemistry Institute, and Dr. Paul Richardson, Director of Process and Analytical Technologies, Oncology Medicinal Chemistry, with Pfizer R&D in La Jolla, California. 

Duration (time) of training
4 hours
Owner Organization
American Chemical Society (ACS)