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Greener Synthesis Tools Poster: Carbon Capture/Sequestration: Part A (Introduction)

Publication Date
Author Name
Shivali Banerjee
Author Organization
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Author Name
Mercie Hodges
Author Organization
University of Washington
Author Name
Jean Pierre Quishpe Nasimba
Author Organization
University of the Republic (Uruguay)
Author Name
Daniel Lachos Perez
Author Organization
University of Massachusetts, Lowell

The poster presents the Introduction of Carbon Capture/Sequestration that includes the Definition/Description of the concept and its History and Development.

Other team members are Mercie Hodges, Jean Pierre, and Daniel LachosPerez who worked on the advantages, disadvantages/challenges, and examples of successful applications of carbon capture and its relation to green and sustainable chemistry.

Field of Interest
ACS GCI Green and Sustainable Chemistry Summer School
Additional Guidance
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