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Hydrogen Peroxide to Propylene Oxide (HPPO) Process

Production of propylene oxide via hydrogen peroxide. Propylene oxide (PO) is a chemical building block for detergents, polyurethanes, de-icers, food additives, and personal care items. The traditional production of PO creates byproducts and significant waste. This novel route produces PO with hydrogen peroxide by using a catalyst, eliminating most of the waste and significantly reducing water and energy use. The production of wastewater is reduced by 70-80%, and energy use is reduced by 35%. This process has high yields and only produces water as a byproduct. Hydrogen peroxide is completely converted to the product. This process reduces cost by eliminating equipment needing to collect and purify byproducts. 

EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: 2010 Greener Synthetic Pathways Award
