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UBQ™: Plastic Substitute Made From Household Waste

UBQ™ is a bio-based thermoplastic produced entirely from unsorted household waste, including organic materials and unrecyclable items. This innovative material can seamlessly integrate into existing manufacturing processes, replacing oil-based resins across industries. By adopting UBQ™, manufacturers reduce landfill waste, lower the carbon footprint of their products, and contribute to a circular economy.

The UBQ™ process begins with the collection of municipal solid waste—ranging from food scraps and mixed plastics to cardboard, paper, and even soiled items like diapers—that would otherwise end up in landfills or incinerators. Recyclable metals and minerals are separated and sent to traditional recycling streams, while the remaining waste is converted into UBQ™, ensuring nothing goes to waste. The primary feedstock for this conversion is household waste, predominantly organic matter. Advanced technology breaks down the organic matter into its basic elements—lignin, cellulose, fibers, and sugars—which are then reassembled into a matrix. Residual plastics in the waste steam melt and get mixed into the matrix to create a homogeneous and consistent composite of thermoplastic material. 

Unlike conventional chemical recycling systems that rely on high temperatures to break apart polymer bonds of synthetic plastics, UBQ requires significantly lower temperatures and energy. In 2021, UBQ’s solar array generated 100% of the energy required to produce UBQ™.  

UBQ Materials Ltd.