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Approach to address the pressing need for efficient and transparent evaluation techniques to assess extraction processes’ sustainability. In response to society's growing demand for natural products and the consequent surge in biomass exploration, a critical imperative arises to ensure that these processes are genuinely environmentally friendly. Extracting natural compounds has traditionally been regarded as a benign activity rooted in ancient practices. However, contemporary extraction methods can also significantly harm the environment if not carefully managed.

Lithium Mediated Ammonia Synthesis Process

NitroVolt is a startup with a mission to revolutionize ammonia production by creating a sustainable alternative to conventional fossil fuel-based methods. Currently, ammonia synthesis contributes to about 1.5% of global CO2 emissions, which approximately 80% of ammonia used in fertilizers. The remaining serves various industries, including refrigeration,  wastewater purification, plastic manufacturing, explosives, textiles, pesticides, and many other chemicals. 

Reagent Guides

The reagent guides purpose is to encourage chemists to choose a ‘greener’ choice of reaction conditions. The guides aim to achieve this by providing transparency through the use of Venn diagrams in addition to improving understanding by discussion and up to date references.

In line with the green chemistry roundtables core values, these guides aim to assist chemists in making informed decisions when picking the most sustainable reagent for any transformation at hand.