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Chem21 Solvent Selection Guide

The Chem21 Solvent Selection Guide was produced through an academic-industry consortium in 2016. The consortium surveyed existing solvent guides from various organizations and companies, seeking to elaborate a standard ranking methodology. The methodology is based on easily available physical properties and GHS statements, permitting anyone to establish safety, health, and environment criteria of any solvent, even if full data on the solvents are not yet available. The guide includes classical and less-classical (including bio-derived) solvents.

Solvent Selection Tool

Given the importance of solvents to process mass intensity, solvent selection has been an area of intense interest to ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable member companies. While there are a variety of solvent selection tools available, this is the first tool that has been developed by practicing pharmaceutical process development experts. This interactive tool enables you to select solvents based upon a variety of key solvent properties. Solvents which are close to each other in the principal components (PCA) map have similar properties, whereas distant solvents are significantly different.