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IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast (#GWB2024)

Event Date(s)

Join us on February 27, 2024 for the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast (#GWB2024). Held in conjunction with the U.N. Day of Women and Girls in Science, the goal of the GWB series is to establish an active network of people of all genders to overcome the barriers to gender equality in science. Over the last five years, more than 1500 GWB events have been held in 100 countries. We invite you to add your event to the global map.

The theme of #GWB2024 is “Catalyzing Diversity in Science”. Groups from all types of science organizations from high schools, to science societies, universities, companies, governments and non-governmental organizations are invited to host events. Event leaders are encouraged to reach out and collaborate with organizations in different sectors and to include scientists from multiple disciplines.

Event Type (select all that apply)
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