N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) are extremely reactive molecules with surfaces such as gold, silver, cobalt, palladium and iron. NHCs are stabilized on these surfaces due to their strong sigma-donating and pi-back-bonding abilities, which leads to extremely stable molecules on metal surfaces when applied. These NHC-modified surfaces have found applications in microelectronics, protective coatings and catalysis. However, metals are a finite resource, and in each of these applications, a limitation of either of these metals would be catastrophic to society. If we look to replace these materials, carbon is an excellent candidate due to its renewable, abundant, lightweight, high conductivity, stability, low cost and reusable characteristics. There are limited reports of NHCs on organic surfaces, and on carbon, there are very limited reports with much unknown on the binding mechanism on carbon surfaces. Herein, we report preliminary work investigating the binding of NHCs on carbon powders using Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) methods. Once the understanding of NHC binding is revealed, exploring and fine-tuning the NHC-modified carbons application will be investigated.