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Biocatalytic Process for the Synthesis of Esters for the Cosmetic Industry

Biocatalytic process for the synthesis of esters. Esters are important ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Traditional esters manufacturing requires strong acids and potentially hazardous solvents and produces undesirable byproducts that require energy-intensive purification. Using immobilized enzymes at mild temperatures as an alternative, Eastmen saves energy and avoids dangerous chemicals. This process produces no undesirable by-products, and the enzymes are easily removable via filtration. The specificity of enzyme conversions at mild temperatures reduces byproducts, increases yields, and saves energy. This process can save over ten liters of organic solvent per kilogram of product. Biocatalysis can yield new esters with superior performance. 

EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: 2009 Greener Synthetic Pathways Award

Eastman Chemical Company