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Green Ammonia (STAMI) and Green Hydrogen Solutions

Nextchem is an Italian company within the Maire Tecnimont Group and is dedicated to Sustainable Technology Solutions. The company's expertise in nitrogen, hydrogen & circular carbon, fuels & chemicals, and polymers, allows Nextchem to deliver groundbreaking solutions and processes to fully support energy transition. Building on the group's 70+ years of operation, Nextchem is dedicated to developing and offering technology solutions, processes, basic engineering designs, proprietary equipment, and catalysis to drive global decarbonization forward. A prime example of Nextchem innovation is STAMI (Syngas to Ammonia and Methanol Integrated) Green Ammonia™, which enables carbon-free ammonia production without relying on fossil fuels. This process utilizes hydrogen synthesized through water electrolysis and nitrogen extracted from the air. The reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen in the ammonia synthesis loop is powered by sustainable energy sources such as wind or solar, resulting in the production of Green Ammonia.

NextChem also offers NX Reform™, a groundbreaking solution for hydrogen production. Hydrogen is essential across various industries, from chemicals to steel manufacturing, making efficient and sustainable production crucial. NX Reform™ (Steam Methane Reformer) provides a cost-effective method for producing syngas through steam reforming of hydrocarbons at high temperatures. This technology enables the production of high-purity hydrogen with lower costs compared to other methods and supports efficient carbon capture integration in natural SMR processes. Applications include syngas production for synfuels and chemicals, as well as hydrogen production for refineries and other industries. The benefits of NX Reform™ include flexibility in feedstock and capacity, operational efficiency as a widely adopted SMR standard, and enhanced environmental efficiency through its energy-efficient reforming technology coupled with carbon capture.
