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Carbon Dioxide Capture

Upcycling sulfate byproducts into carbon-negative sulfuric acid and green hydrogen - The Travertine Process

The Travertine process converts aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions through electrolysis, generating clean and competitively priced hydrogen. The process involves three primary units. Initially, electrolysis divides aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions. Subsequently, Direct Air Capture (DAC) utilizes the caustic solution to extract CO2 from the air, yielding a carbonate solution. Lastly, the carbonate solution reacts with sulfate byproducts to form minerals and regenerate aqueous sulfate through mineralization.

Sustainable Building Materials

Sustainable and energy efficient building materials. These builing materials capture carbon dioxide and replenish farmland. The industrial hemp used in these products are grown sustainably and manufacture into insulation materials with renewable energy. Hemp growth offsets 9.8 tons of carbon dioxide per acre. HempWool® has no VOCs and toxins and is safe to touch. Other products include Hempcrete, Hemp and Lime Blocks, and AcoustiBatts.