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TIPA Compostable Packaging

Fully compostable packaging. This technology emulates the properties and functionality of conventional plastic such as polyethylene and polypropylene, while being made from a blend of fully compostable polymers. This packaging demonstrates excellent optical, mechanical, and barrier properties (high transparency, printability, high sealing strength, high impact, and high barrier). The packaging is certified home or industrial compostable. The laminates and labels of the packaging are also compostable. Conventional flexible plastic packaging is nearly impossible to technically recycle (around 95% is not recyclable) and takes up to 500 years to biodegrade. When placed in a composter, this new packaging can biodegrade in 180 days and be converted to plant fertilizer. This novel packaging can easily be disposed of with biowaste. The shelf-life performance of this packaging is equivalent to traditional packaging. 
