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Water Treatment


Biodegradable sorbent that captures nutrients in water. Phosphorus and nitrogen are nutrients in water that act as fertilizers for aquatic plants. Eutrophication occurs when there is an overabundance of these nutrients. Nutrient pollution occurs when eutrophication produces an excessive amount of algae. These algae disrupt ecosystems by lowering the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, reducing water quality, turning the water green, causing a foul smell, blocking sunlight, and harming animals and humans who consume it.

GLDA — A Biodegradable Chelating Agent

Biodegradable chelating agents. Chelating agents (NTA and EDTA) are used in industrial, domestic, and agricultural industries for complex metals. Traditional chelating agents are not biodegradable and accumulate in aquatic systems, harming human health and the environment. Aquapharm has made biodegradable chelates with applications in industrial cleaning, food processing, personal care, kitchen cleaning, textiles, water treatment, automatic dishwashing, and pulp and paper. One of Aquapharm's chelants, GLDA, is a viable substitute for NTA and EDTA.

3D TRASAR™ Cooling System Chemistry and Control

Nalco Water, a branch of Ecolab Inc., has developed a technology that allows for the close monitoring of water in industrial cooling systems. This technology detects when the water condition favors mineral scaling and signifies the presence of anaerobic organisms. The system also detects the planktonic and sessile bacteria activity and regulates the amount of biocide in the water. The system is secured against corrosion as well due to a corrosion inhibitor. Water-based cooling systems are common in buildings and industrial processes.