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System Development/Field Test/ Commercialization

Phytosterols to Mitigate Drought Stress

Elicit Plant reduces water consumption in crops by using phytosterols to mitigate drought stress. The company aims to help agriculture adapt to climate change by reducing the stress of water shortages for field crops. Phytosterols are lipids that function as the building blocks of cell membranes, activating the physiological defense mechanisms of plants in response to environmental stress. By formulating a phytosterol-based solution, Elicit Plant helps plants be more resistant and better adapted to drought stress.

Fluorochemicals production without hydrofluoric acid

FluoRork manufactures fluorochemicals in a hydrofluoric (HF) free way. Fluorochemicals are used in every day products like lithium-ion battery electrolytes, agrochemicals, and drugs. All fluorine atoms in fluorochemicals are derived from fluorspar. Traditionally, fluorspar is treated with sulfuric acid in an energy-intensive process to produce hydrofluoric acid (HF), the key precursor in traditional fluorochemical manufacturing. FluoRok aims to revolutionize conventional fluorochemical production with an HF-free fluorination process.

High-perfoming and insulating wall panels from timber and straw

EcoCocon has developed an alternative wall panel system that is 89% straw and 10% timber. The company combines straw construction with modern technology to improve performance and achieve exceptional insulation. EcoCocon’s goal is to use as little as possible to protect forests from over-exploitation. The wood is derived from sustainable forestry, and the straw is sourced from local farms. These materials contain no glues and do not undergo any chemical treatment throughout the construction process. The walls are custom-made to fit any building design.

Ultrasonic Technology to Convert Woody Biomass Into High-Value Biochemicals

Sonichem converts lignocellulosic biomasses into cellulose, natural sugars, and lignin. These biomasses include hard and soft woods, sugar cane bagasse, straws, and grasses. Over 95% of the feedstocks are transformed into valuable products. Using ultrasound to break chemical bonds, this technology separates woody feedstocks into a fractioned mixture of cellulose, sugars, and lignin. The fractioned mixture is then separated into high-quality biochemical products with mild organic solvents. These solvents are received and reused, reducing the inventory of chemicals held on site.

Biotrinsic® Z15 -- Bionemiticide for Corn and Soybean Crops

Biotrinsic® Z15 is a bionematicide that makes corn and soybean crops nematode-resistant. It is a microbial seed treatment that combines defense and protective actions to inhibit nematodes' development and reproductive life cycle, all without negatively impacting soil health or beneficial nematodes. Parasitic nematodes, or roundworms, are a huge problem in the agricultural industry, causing over $1.5 billion in losses annually. Indigo AG, the company that developed this technology, isolates a naturally occurring strain of Streptomyces sp from corn.

Sustainable Structure-Based Colorants

Safe and sustainable structural colorants free of toxic pigments and dyes developed by Cypris Materials. The technology behind Cypris’ colorants was inspired by how animals naturally exhibit vibrant colors via the reflection of certain wavelengths of light off biological nanostructures with precise physical spacing. Cypris develops self-assembling brush block copolymers through ruthenium catalysis. Using the same physics as the RGB on our computers, Cypris produces the entire rainbow of colors.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Blueland sustainably manufactures and ships cleaning products using environmentally responsible ingredients that are recyclable, compostable, or both. The process begins with Blueland’s BPA- and antimony-free Forever Bottle, Forever Shaker, and Forever Tin. The final product results from adding the powdered or tablet soaps, cleansers, and detergents to warm or hot water in their respective containers. This method eliminates the use of single-use plastics like polyvinyl alcohol (PVA and PVOH polyvinyl) by enabling the shipping of lighter, water-free products.

Bio-Based Acrylonite (bio-ACN™) from Glycerol

Trillium has developed a technology that produces bio-ACN™ from glycerol. Glycerol is a renewable feedstock that is a byproduct of converting natural oils and fats into soaps, detergents, and biofuels. Bio-ACN™ has a 70% lower carbon footprint than petroleum-based acrylonitrile. This process is scalable and cost-competitive due to the use of an efficient catalytic process that dehydrates glycerin to acrolein. Acrylonitrile is then produced by reacting acrolein with oxygen and ammonia.

Opus™ Platform for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Twelve uses its Opus™ platform to transform CO₂, water, and renewable energy into hydrocarbons via CO₂ electrolysis. This is achieved using Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA), a CO₂-reducing catalyst that electrifies CO₂ and water while only producing oxygen, synthetic gas, and water. This synthetic gas is then used to produce Power-to-Liquid (PtL), Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), and E-Naphtha™, the building block for CO2 Made® products.

Upcycling Sulfate Byproducts Into Carbon-Negative Sulfuric Acid and Green Hydrogen - The Travertine Process

The Travertine process converts aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions through electrolysis, generating clean and competitively priced hydrogen. The process involves three primary units. Initially, electrolysis divides aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions. Subsequently, Direct Air Capture (DAC) utilizes the caustic solution to extract CO2 from the air, yielding a carbonate solution. Lastly, the carbonate solution reacts with sulfate byproducts to form minerals and regenerate aqueous sulfate through mineralization.