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The conference, themed ‘Green Chemistry for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development’, aims to bring together relevant stakeholders from academia, research, industry, NGOs, policy makers, and society to exchange information and share ideas to promote green chemistry, carbon neutrality, and sustainable development. In addition to plenary lectures, there will be parallel sessions with invited lectures, oral and poster sessions with researchers in various stages of their careers, from students to senior researchers, discussing a range of important and timely topics.The 10th IUPAC ICGC is co-organized by the Chinese Chemical Society, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD). The ICGC series was first held in Germany (2006), followed by Russia (2008), Canada (2010), Brazil (2012), South Africa (2014), Italy (2016), Russia (2017), Thailand (2018), and Greece (2022). We are honored to be hosting the 10th conference in 2024, and we look forward to meeting you in Beijing.
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The Green Chemistry Group is pleased to announce the return of the SFC USA 2024 conference at the BMS Princeton Pike site in Lawrence Township, NJ on October 23rd-25th, 2024. The conference will begin with a short course taught by experts in the field, followed by two days of oral and poster scientific presentations. Leading vendors of SFC instrumentation and supplies will exhibit their wares, and present numerous vendor workshops. Social events and complimentary lunches will provide excellent opportunities to network with fellow scientists and vendors, and to hear personal updates on the latest advances.
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In 2024, Impact Festival 2024 is featuring the ISC3 Investor Forum 2024 (Pitches, Panel, Booth, Audience Award) and live Innovation Challenge Award Ceremony on October 30th and 31st, 2024, between 9 am and 8 pm, at Forum Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany. Both organisations, ISc3 and Impact Festival 2024, and all their variegated partners present are coming together in order to further kick-start financial and networking power for Sustainable Chemistry start-ups, and to start promoting sustainable innovation in chemistry together at the Impact Festival 2024, as well!2024, ISC3 has again set out to live feature 10 start-up solutions (5 finalists+5 extra live pitches), and further digital presentations aiming at having SC start-ups promoted and financed, again!
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The ACS Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents "Bonds That Matter: Soft Materials for a Sustainable World" at the Spring 2025 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education, the all-day symposium is entirely planned by graduate students, including topic selection, fundraising, recruiting speakers, advertising, and symposium logistics. The focus of the symposium is the production and processing of high performance, sustainable soft matter and its role in achieving a circular economy. This will include talks from leading experts and rising stars, along with a networking student poster session over lunch. Visit our website for latest updates and social media links.Email: [email protected]
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  • November 15th, 2024: Registration opening
  • Before March 30th, 2025: Early bird registration
ISGC 2025, the world event in sustainable chemistry research and innovation will be held in La Rochelle, France, May 12-16, 2025. The 4-day event includes an exhibition space, technical program, networking opportunities, and more.
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