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Greener Synthesis Toolbox: Sonochemistry

Publication Date
Author Name
Muhammad Jawad Ul Rehman
Author Organization
North Carolina State University, NC, USA
Author Name
Dan Reddy
Author Organization
Queen's University, Canada
Author Name
José Giovanni L. Brito
Author Organization
Queen's University, Canada
Author Name
Vijay Shah
Author Organization
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaing, IL, USA

Sonochemistry (Latin sonus ‘sound’) is an emerging branch of chemistry which uses ultrasonic waves (ultrasound) as the activation mode instead of conventional thermal energy, often using a piezoelectric material to perform (ultra)sonication.1

Sonicating a liquid forms microscopic bubbles through cavi- tation. These bubbles collapse when unstable, reaching high temperatures (~5000 K) and pressures (~1000 bar) locally,2creating highly reactive environments that form intermediates not typically accessible in bulk without harsh reagents.3

ACS GCI Green and Sustainable Chemistry Summer School
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