K-12 Green Chemistry Education Awards
These Green Chemistry Education awards for K-12 educators are designed to support the integration of green chemistry into educational settings. Beyond Benign hopes to empower and support K-12 educators to prepare their students with the skills to innovate for a sustainable future through these grants.
Open Position at Beyond Benign: Chief Program Officer (CPO)
Career Achievement in Green Chemistry Education
To acknowledge an instructor who has made a profound and transformative impact on the future of green chemistry and sustainability in education through cumulative contributions spanning a significant portion of their career.
Teaching Green Fellowship
To recognize innovation and creativity in the development of new and/or significantly updated curricular materials infused with green chemistry and/or sustainability concepts.
Rising Stars in Green Chemistry Education Award
To recognize outstanding early-career scholars who have committed to a significant focus on green chemistry and/or sustainability in curricula for teaching chemistry, chemical engineering, or a closely related field.
Two awards will be given annually. Each award will consist of a certificate, a $1,000 honorarium, and travel support for the awardee and one student (up to $2,000 each) to attend the annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference (GC&E) to receive the award and present their work.
Open to all Nationalities
Green Chemistry Commitment Audit Report 2022 2023
Every year as part of the Green Chemistry Commitment Program, Beyond Benign ask our GCC Signers to complete an Audit Questionnaire survey to report on the status of their green chemistry journeys at their institutions. This helps Beyond Benign to assess patterns of where and how green chemistry is included in higher education institutions and allows us to better serve our Signers through the GCC Program.
Reimagining Sustainable Chemical Education
Chemists from around the world convened at the American Chemical Society headquarters in Washington, DC, and virtually on Dec. 7 and 8, 2023, for the second annual ACS Sustainability Summit: Reimagining Chemistry Education. The meeting was held as part of the ACS Campaign for a Sustainable Future, in partnership with the ACS Division of Education and Beyond Benign Green Chemistry Education.