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Hazard Reduction

FARADAYIC® Trichrome Plating Process

Chrome plating with trivalent chromium. Conventional chrome plating uses hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium is the most toxic form of chromium due to its carcinogenic properties. This technology uses trivalent chromium, which is much less toxic and non-carcinogenic. This company uses a new electrodeposition process alternating between a cathodic pulse followed by an anodic pulse and a relaxation period. This process allows for thicker coatings of trivalent chromium and allows the structure and properties of the coating to be adjusted.


Self-film-forming styrene acrylic pre-composite polymer that can be used in various interior and exterior coatings. Paints with this product can be formulated with 20% less titanium dioxide (TiO2) and maintain very good hiding, leading to lower costs and better sustainability. TiO2 is used as the white base in paints and is the costliest ingredient because it requires high amounts of energy. This technology uses a novel pre-composite polymer that increases the dispersibility of the TiO2 in the paint.

Sustainable Building Materials

Sustainable and energy efficient building materials. These builing materials capture carbon dioxide and replenish farmland. The industrial hemp used in these products are grown sustainably and manufacture into insulation materials with renewable energy. Hemp growth offsets 9.8 tons of carbon dioxide per acre. HempWool® has no VOCs and toxins and is safe to touch. Other products include Hempcrete, Hemp and Lime Blocks, and AcoustiBatts.

Zymtronix Enzyme Immobilization

Highly magnetic materials for enzyme immobilization. Enzyme immobilization can improve enzyme stability and enable enzyme recycling. This company uses a highly magnetic matrix that protects the enzymes from degradation and denaturation, allowing them to function in more extreme temperatures and pHs. The immobilized enzymes are also optimized to reach full activity and high loadings. The magnetic matrix allows the enzymes to easily and quickly recover with a simple magnet. This technology allows for cost-effective, industrial biocatalysis with better activity, results, and productivity.

Nova 2200TM: Sterilization by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Medical sterilization of sensitive tissues using supercritical carbon dioxide, peracetic acid, and water. Traditional sterilization techniques, such as ethylene oxide and gamma radiation, eliminate bacteria and bacterial endospores while causing severe damage to the tissue. Ethylene oxide can cause mutations and cancer, and gamma radiation can penetrate and damage cells. This process serves as an alternative method to sterilization. Supercritical carbon dioxide is easily available, inexpensive, non-toxic, and ensures gentle treatment of the product.

Green Synthesis of Solid Metal Oxides

One-step, environmentally friendly process for the synthesis of solid oxide catalysts. The conventional production of catalysts requires acid-base precipitation with a metal nitrate, producing large volumes of nitrate and halogenated waste and emitting NOx and SOx gases. The extraction of nitrate and other salts generates large volumes of wastewater. This novel synthetic process eliminates aqueous and nitrate waste by using an organic acid, a pure metal, and an oxidizing agent that is usually air.


Eliminates the use of oil and surfactants in water treatment. Polyacrylamides are used in water treatment and food production. In water treatment, polyacrylamides facilitate the removal of compounds in suspension and the segregation of the mixture. The production of these polymers generates large volumes of organic and surfactant waste (90 million pounds annually) due to the use of oils and surfactants. Nalco developed a new synthetic methodology that eliminates the need for oil and surfactants in water treatment.

Sprint® Rapid Protein Analyzer

Technology that uses a protein tag that selectively binds to amino acids to measure protein concentration. The Sprint® Rapid Protein Analyzer uses iTAG® protein-tagging technology. The iTAG® solution selectively binds to three amino acids present in proteins: histidine, arginine, and lysine. The iTAG® solution is acidic and connects with the basic group of these amino acids when they come into contact. After removing the iTAG® solution through filtration, colorimetry is used to determine protein concentration.

Environmentally Friendly Adhesives for Wood Composites

Soy flour-based adhesives for wood composites. Adhesives for wood composites traditionally contain formaldehyde, which is a carcinogen. This technology is inspired by mussels' ability to use their proteins to adhere to rocks. Professor Kaichang Li modified the amino acids in soy flour, which is renewable and abundant, to resemble the adhesive proteins of mussels. Oregon State University, Columbia Forest Products, and Ashland Inc jointly-commericalized this novel adhesive. This novel adhesive is environmentally friendly, cost-competititve, and superior in strength and water resistance.

Citropol® and Sustainable Ingredients

Ingredients for flavors, fragrances, cosmetics, personal care products, and specialty materials. P2 Science transformers terpenes from the forest and oleochemicals from the field into safe, renewable, high performance, biodegradable, and multi-functional new ingredients for flavors, fragrances, cosmetics, personal care products, and specialty materials. Citropol® is a novel class of low MW liquid polymers that are made from 100% forest-derived terpenes through a clean, mild, and high yielding conversion process.