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Green Ammonia (STAMI) and Green Hydrogen Solutions

Nextchem is an Italian company within the Maire Tecnimont Group and is dedicated to Sustainable Technology Solutions. The company's expertise in nitrogen, hydrogen & circular carbon, fuels & chemicals, and polymers, allows Nextchem to deliver groundbreaking solutions and processes to fully support energy transition. Building on the group's 70+ years of operation, Nextchem is dedicated to developing and offering technology solutions, processes, basic engineering designs, proprietary equipment, and catalysis to drive global decarbonization forward.

Critical Materials Accelerator

The Critical Materials Accelerator aims to validate and prototype technologies and processes that address critical materials challenges by developing alternatives, diversifying and expanding supply, increasing manufacturing and material efficiency, and establishing a circular economy. 

The Accelerator intends to speed up the adoption of innovation while promoting safe, sustainable, economic, and environmentally just solutions to meet current and future critical materials supply chain needs​.

MedChem Tips and Tricks

Produced by the medicinal chemistry focus team of the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable, this quick tips guide covers purification, solvent selection, reagents, energy, and resources to make medicinal chemistry more sustainable.

Colorifix: Dyes from Agricultural Waste

Converts agricultural waste products into dyes by using microbes. Reduces water consumption by at least 49%, electricity by 35%, and CO2 emissions by 31% compared to conventional dyeing for cotton. Produced using clean, renewable feedstocks (simple sugars, yeast, plant-byproducts) and waste products from the agricultural industry instead of traditional petrochemicals. No heavy metals/organic solvents are used. 


PCA-free poly-reactive range of dyes. Saves water and energy by 50% or more and reduces CO2 emissions to 50% or less during the dyeing and washing-off process. Free of toxic chemicals. Improved productivity, reduced cost, and the highest level of light and wet fastness across the entire shade gamut and color spectrum compared to conventional dyeing. Saves time as the process takes 4 hours while the traditional process takes 7 hours.

An Improved Peptide Manufacturing Platform for the Production of Etelcalcetide

Improved peptide manufacturing process of etelcalcetide, the active ingredient in, Parsabiv™— a drug for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in adult patients with chronic kidney disease. This novel process reduces chemical solvent use by 71%, manufacturing operating time by 56%, and manufacturing costs by 76%. This could eliminate over 14,400 cubic meters of waste, including 750 cubic meters of aqueous waste, while increasing profits.


Self-film-forming styrene acrylic pre-composite polymer that can be used in various interior and exterior coatings. Paints with this product can be formulated with 20% less titanium dioxide (TiO2) and maintain very good hiding, leading to lower costs and better sustainability. TiO2 is used as the white base in paints and is the costliest ingredient because it requires high amounts of energy. This technology uses a novel pre-composite polymer that increases the dispersibility of the TiO2 in the paint.


Pulp and paper enzymes. MetZyme® is a family of enzymatic solutions for all lignin-based biomass applications. These enzymes treat and enhance reused pulp, allowing clients to substitute virgin fiber with recycled fiber (RCF). Products made from RCF require less energy and chemicals to produce. MetZyme® PUREECO™ enzyme process lignocellulosic feedstock to create sustainable and renewably-sourced chemical building blocks for bioplastics, sorbitol, xylitol, furfural, 5-HMF, FDCA, organic acids, and other technologies that support biofuels. Lignin is often treated as waste and burned.

Energy Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Ultrasound Homogenizers

High-power ultrasonic homogenizers. Ultrasonic power is an effective and energy-efficient alternative to high-shear mixers, high-pressure homogenizers, and agitated bead mills. It is used to apply high shear and intense stress to liquids, powder-liquid mixtures, and slurries. This device is used for mixing, dispersing, particle size reduction, extraction, and chemical reactions. This extraction process generates no impurities or hazardous chemicals. Liquid regeneration also allows for prolonged use of cleaning liquids.

EV-8: A Robust, Efficient, and Low-Cost Refrigeration Solution Powered by Only Water and Sunlight

Electricity-free mobile refrigeration technology using only sun and water. Refrigeration unit that is lightweight, easy to carry, and fully portable. Product requires no electricity and emits no greenhouse gas emissions. Uses PhaseTek™ technology; when the internal reservoir of the product is filled with any water source, the product undergoes evaporative cooling, reducing the internal storage space by 10-15 degrees Celsius. Refrigeration reduces spoilage, which reduces waste.