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Enhesa Chemical Research with ToxPlanet

Tool Owner

Enhesa Chemical Research with ToxPlanet streamlines chemical research by providing a single, searchable database of scientific, toxicological, and hazard information. With access to over 12 million documents from more than 1,300 databases, users can efficiently find the data they need without the risk of overlooking critical details. The platform enhances research efficiency with features like Projects, allowing users to organize and refer back to their work, and Alerts, which provide updates on any changes in relevant information.

ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology


To encourage creativity in research and technology or methods of analysis to provide a scientific basis for informed environmental control decision-making processes or to provide practical technologies that will reduce health risk factors.


The award consists of $5,000 and a certificate. Up to $2,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award will be presented will be reimbursed.

Raising Safety in Research: Engaging Graduate Students in Laboratory Safety: Opportunities for Empowerment, Collaboration & Professional Development

Learn about creating a positive safety culture for graduate students in the ACS Fall 2024 symposium, “Raising Safety in Research: Engaging Graduate Students in Laboratory Safety: Opportunities for Empowerment, Collaboration & Professional Development.” 

Through talks, a panel discussion, and a networking component, team members from the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety will share strategies to address compliance and empower students to be active in creating safe research environments. 

Models to Predict the Removal of Emerging Micropollutants from Water by Novel Adsorbents in Fixed-Bed Column Processes

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through the Innovative Water Technology Grant Program, is seeking applications for research to develop, test and deploy predictive models for novel adsorbents and estimate the effectiveness of these adsorbents to remove emerging micropollutants in drinking water and wastewater treatment operations.

Rising Stars in Green Chemistry Education Award

To recognize outstanding early-career scholars who have committed to a significant focus on green chemistry and/or sustainability in curricula for teaching chemistry, chemical engineering, or a closely related field.

Two awards will be given annually. Each award will consist of a certificate, a $1,000 honorarium, and travel support for the awardee and one student (up to $2,000 each) to attend the annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference (GC&E) to receive the award and present their work.

Open to all Nationalities

Principal Investigator Development in Sustainability Grant

This award will provide funding to early or mid-career investigators (Associate+) to spend 6-12 months in the laboratory of a private company, a national laboratory, or an academic laboratory in a different institution, with the goal of establishing robust collaborations across industry-academia or across disciplines and taking advantage of the mentorship of a faculty member distinct from their prior mentors.