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alternatives assessment

Enhesa Chemical Assess

Tool Owner

Enhesa Chemical Assess provides a comprehensive evaluation of chemicals based on 24 human health and environmental hazard endpoints, covering concerns such as carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, and aquatic toxicity. With rapid screening of over 300,000 substances, the platform enables users to quickly identify potential hazards and make informed choices.

ChemFORWARD Chemical Hazard Data Trust

Tool Owner

Managed by ChemFORWARD, the data trust is designed to simplify access to chemical hazard data from dozens of credible sources, curate, maintain and continuously improve the data, and harmonize the information for actionable decision support that will accelerate the global transition to safer chemistry. 

The data trust is populated and continually updated by licensed toxicologists using a comprehensive, globally accepted methodology. Each CHA is peer reviewed by independent toxicologists before being posted.

Certificate Sustainable Chemistry & Benign by Design

The certificate Sustainable Chemistry & Benign by Design offered by Leuphana Professional School at Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany provides in four modules interdisciplinary knowledge about the design and redesign of chemicals at university Master's level. Based on findings from environmental chemistry and toxicology, you will explore the molecular (re)design of chemicals with reduced ecological and toxicological impacts, the potential and applicability of Benign by Design. In addition, experimental and in-silico methods for the molecular (re)design of chemicals are addressed.