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DOZN™ Quantitative Green Chemistry Evaluator

Tool Owner

The DOZN™ tool is a quantitative, industry-first tool that uses the 12 principles of green chemistry for comparing the relative greenness of similar chemicals, synthetic routes, and chemical processes.  We distill these 12 Principles of Green Chemistry into three major categories: improving resource use, more efficient use of energy, and minimizing human and environmental hazards. At present, we do not incorporate the life cycle impacts of raw materials (i.e. raw material extraction, pre-processing, and manufacturing), but we consider the hazards and efficient use of such materials. We share our results on product performance with our customers, demonstrating how our products align with each of the 12 Principles, as well as within the three major categories. 

The DOZN™ tool uses data to help our business and our customers make informed decisions to reduce their environmental footprint, increase chemical efficiency, and promote sustainability.

Case Study: β-Amylase is an enzyme commonly found in sweet potatoes, which hydrolyzes starch into sugar. The DOZN™ tool enabled the re-engineering of β-Amylase manufacturing process into an energy-efficient, non-hazardous process with greater efficiency and yield. With this, the DOZN™ score was lowered from 57 to 1!

See the DOZN™ tool in action and see the calculated scorecard of an improved process for β-Amylase.