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Manufacturing Process for Zerbaxa™

Merck Research Laboratories redesigned the manufacturing process for Zerbaxa™, a drug used to treat gram-negative bacterial infections resistant to conventional antibiotics. Ceftolozane sulfate is a key ingredient of the drug. Unfortunately, existing processes for its production require hazardous chemicals, a high process mass index, long cycle times, and low yields. Merck developed a sustainable second-generation manufacturing route. This novel method uses a sustainable crystallization-based purification process, which reduces the process mass index by 75% and the raw material costs by 50% and increases the yield by over 50%. Merck estimates that this can save approximately 3.7 million gallons of water annually, decrease the carbon footprint by 50%, and decrease energy usage by 38%. 

EPA Green Chemistry Challenge: 2019 Greener Synthetic Pathways Award

Merck & Co., Inc.