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Carbon-negative cement -- Brimstone

Brimstone has developed an industrial process for producing industry-standard Portland cement with significantly less carbon emissions. Brimstone’s decarbonized process is a breakthrough in cement production, making industry-standard Portland cement with carbon-free calcium silicate rock instead of limestone. Brimstone cement is chemically and physically identical to conventional Portland cement, with the same quality and performance. Portland cement contains two core products: Portland cement clinker and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM).

Sustainable battery technology

Nanoengineered separator coatings and liquid electrolytes for faster charging, low cost, and energy-dense lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries. Sepion Technologies has deployed its proprietary material discovery platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict material properties such as flash point and viscosity to develop a non-flammable liquid electrolyte that can reduce the risk and severity of fires in electric vehicles (EV) batteries.

Upcycling sulfate byproducts into carbon-negative sulfuric acid and green hydrogen - The Travertine Process

The Travertine process converts aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions through electrolysis, generating clean and competitively priced hydrogen. The process involves three primary units. Initially, electrolysis divides aqueous sulfate into sulfuric acid and caustic solutions. Subsequently, Direct Air Capture (DAC) utilizes the caustic solution to extract CO2 from the air, yielding a carbonate solution. Lastly, the carbonate solution reacts with sulfate byproducts to form minerals and regenerate aqueous sulfate through mineralization.

Eco-friendly batteries

Automated recycling process that removes crucial ingredients to produce new EV batteries. In this process, robots remove modules and cells from discharged batteries. Materials are crushed, shredded, and separated into fractions of metals and plastics.

Digital Chemical Platform

Digital automatization of chemistry to make chemical synthesis easy and instant. Chemify uses a programming language to employ the world’s largest database of validated chemical reactions. By implementing the full digital chemistry stack into their automated robotic synthesis cluster facility, Chemify can transform chemical code into real molecules on demand and at scale. Artificial intelligence is also used to discover and design novel molecules rapidly. Digitizing and automating chemistry helps prevent exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace and waste generation.

Sublime Cement™

Sublime Cement™ is a carbon-neutral alternative to ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Sublime’s novel cement process uses electrochemistry to extract reactive calcium (Sublime Lime™) and Silicates from abundant raw materials that are then blended into a final cement. In the electrochemical process, entire parts of non-carbonate rocks are converted into cement at ambient temperatures. The process uses carbon-free feedstocks and low temperatures, thus, Sublime Cement does not emit CO2. This cement is a drop-in replacement for OPC, meeting or exceeding construction performance standards.

Sustainable Building Materials

Sustainable and energy efficient building materials. These builing materials capture carbon dioxide and replenish farmland. The industrial hemp used in these products are grown sustainably and manufacture into insulation materials with renewable energy. Hemp growth offsets 9.8 tons of carbon dioxide per acre. HempWool® has no VOCs and toxins and is safe to touch. Other products include Hempcrete, Hemp and Lime Blocks, and AcoustiBatts.

Custom-Tailored Enzymes for Industrial Applications

Development of custom-tailored products to maximize process efficiency and minimize waste. Enzymes are an inexpensive, more efficient, and less toxic alternative to chemical catalysts. This company produces enzymes for liquefaction and saccharification processes in grain distilling, contributing to higher conversion rates and yields. These enzymes are also undamaged by high temperatures. This process reduces the large consumption of raw materials.

Zymtronix Enzyme Immobilization

Highly magnetic materials for enzyme immobilization. Enzyme immobilization can improve enzyme stability and enable enzyme recycling. This company uses a higly magnetic matrix that protects the eznymes from degradation and denaturation, allowing them to function in more extreme temperatures and pHs. The immobilized enzymes are also optimized to reach full activity and high loadings. The magnetic matrix allows the enzymes to be easily and quickly recovered with a simple magnet.

Novasep's Custom Molecules

Custom techniques for manufacturing products. By utilizing custom techniques for their products, Novasep is able to make their processes more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly by enabling synthesis through shorter routes with improved purity and yield. This also allows for solvent recycling, which lowers costs and reduces consumption.