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Battolyser® is a novel technology that combines the functionality of a battery and an electrolyzer in a single, patented system. It efficiently stores and supplies power like a battery while also splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen when fully charged. This dual-functionality makes Battolyser® a highly versatile and efficient energy solution, capable of switching smoothly between power storage and hydrogen production.


NEFFA (New Fashion Factory) is a Dutch startup focused on creating nature-inspired textiles and technologies. The company has developed MYCOTEX®, a biobased material derived from mycelium (mushroom), offering a natural, leather-like feel without attempting to mimic leather directly. The material flexibility and thickness can also be tailored to specific products. Similar to dope dyeing, pigments are added directly into the biomass for efficient coloring.


CarbonFree’s SkyCycle™ technology is a groundbreaking solution for capturing CO2 emissions from hard-to-abate industrial sources and transforming them into valuable, carbon-negative products. SkyCycle™ captures carbon emissions before they enter the atmosphere, decarbonizes, and mineralizes the CO2, converting it into marketable, non-hazardous materials or permanently storable compounds. This process yields significant carbon value, helping to reduce global supply chain emissions, particularly Scope 3 emissions.

Green Chemicals for Industrial and Consumer Products

Gefn is an Icelandic chemical engineering startup focused on producing and commercializing green chemicals for various industries. The company’s innovative technology replaces fossil-based feedstocks by converting low-value by-products, such as glycerol and fatty acids, and climate-neutral CO2 captured through direct air capture (DAC) and biomass fermentation into valuable carbonates and esters. These green chemicals serve as specialty chemicals, solvents, and intermediates in applications ranging from cleaning products and cosmetics to pharmaceuticals and batteries.


AI-engineeered enzymes for the production of chemicals without fermentation. This company uses AI to engineer enzymes and metal catalysts that do not require fermentation, allowing for the production of molecules at room temperature without toxins and waste. This process uses safe feedstocks, such as sugars, air, and carbon dioxide. It is also scalable and cost efficient. This process also eliminates fermentation, costly immobilization, air emissions, and wastewater emissions. Their factory, Bioforge™, produces one ton of product per ton of feedstock.


Biodegradable sorbent that captures nutrients in water. Phosphorus and nitrogen are nutrients in water that act as fertilizers for aquatic plants. Eutrophication occurs when there is an overabundance of these nutrients. Nutrient pollution occurs when eutrophication produces an excessive amount of algae. These algae disrupt ecosystems by lowering the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, reducing water quality, turning the water green, causing a foul smell, blocking sunlight, and harming animals and humans who consume it.

Forward Water Technologies; Forward Osmosis System

Three-step process for reverse osmosis that achieves high-rate water extraction within a low-energy continuous process. Water and salt separation is accomplished with a draw solution called Switchable Water Salt (SWS) and heat. This system extracts the greatest amount of water from the most challenging process streams while using the least amount of energy. Reduced greenhouse gases by up to 40% compared to conventional disposal methods. The process also reclaims up to 90% of the freshwater from the waste stream.

West Fork Biotreatment Project

Large-scale anaerobic biotreatment system. Asarco's biotreatment system consists of a settling basin and two anaerobic bioreactors discharged into a rock filter polishing cell that are followed by a final aeration polishing pond. Heavy metal pollution occurs when excavated rocks or exposed underground mines get into water. The West Fork Biotreatment plant does not require conventional chemicals often associated with sludge formation nor constant human monitoring and frequent sludge disposal.