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Next-Generation Antimicrobial Coating for Medical Devices Based on Amyloid Aggregates: A Step Toward Reducing Pathogenic Waste

Infections associated with medical devices are a serious global issue, affecting millions of patients and increasing healthcare costs . These infections are primarily due to the formation of biofilms on the surfaces of devices such as catheters and implants, which act as protective barriers against antimicrobial treatments and compromise device functionality. Additionally, infections in indwelling devices contribute to environmental pollution due to the frequent need for replacements, further increasing the burden on healthcare system.

Production of Omega-3-Rich Microalgae Oil as a Functional Food Additive from the Complete Utilization of Tuber Discards

The research group focuses on interdisciplinary studies aimed at advancing sustainable and innovative solutions in various industries. Valorization of Agro-industrial Residues: Developing methodologies to convert agro-industrial by-products into valuable resources, such as biofuels, bioplastics, and functional ingredients for the food and chemical industries. Biomass Utilization: Exploring the potential of biomass as a renewable resource for producing energy and chemical intermediates through efficient and environmentally friendly processes.

NMR-based Metabolomics Study of Kidney (HEK 293T) Cells Cultured on SAM Coated Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Glass Substrates

The use of glass substrates to enhance cellular adhesion exemplifies the principles of green and sustainable chemistry in practice. Upcycling waste glass into a valuable resource mitigates environmental pollution, promotes innovation, and conserves resources. The Human embryonic kidney293T (HEK293T) cells have been used in organoid formation and specialized applications within organoid systems; however, they often suffer from loose adherence, which limits their applicability.

Effect of Inorganic Carbon Sources in Succinic Acid Biosynthesis Using Acid-Tolerant Engineered Yeast

The biological process of succinic acid (SA) production can simultaneously reduce the dependency on fossil-based resources and sequester CO2 to synthesize value-added products. In the present study, an acid-tolerant engineered strain was employed to minimize waste (e.g., gypsum) generation in downstream processing and contamination risks. The cost of the fermentation medium is a crucial factor for the industrial production of SA. Corn steep liquor (CSL) was utilized to formulate a low-cost medium for synthesizing SA.