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green engineering

Sustainable battery technology

Nanoengineered separator coatings and liquid electrolytes for faster charging, low cost, and energy-dense lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries. Sepion Technologies has deployed its proprietary material discovery platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict material properties such as flash point and viscosity to develop a non-flammable liquid electrolyte that can reduce the risk and severity of fires in electric vehicles (EV) batteries.

Eco-friendly batteries

Automated recycling process that removes crucial ingredients to produce new EV batteries. In this process, robots remove modules and cells from discharged batteries. Materials are crushed, shredded, and separated into fractions of metals and plastics.

WING® Platform for Sustainable Material Development

Designs high-performance materials and ingredients that are fully renewable and bio-based. WING® platform enables biology and design labs to develop, test, and commercialize products to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels and other unsustainable oil sources. Checkerspot, the developer of the WING® platform, offers products that integrate molecular foundry, chemistry, material science, and fabrication technology to develop polyurethanes and textile finish materials derived by fermentation of biobased oils, enabling industries to access materials at a molecular level. 

NSF Environmental Sustainability Program

The goal of the Environmental Sustainability program is to promote sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems. These systems provide ecological services vital for human survival. Research efforts supported by the program typically consider long-time horizons and may incorporate contributions from the social sciences and ethics. The program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions.

Sustainable Soft Matter Symposium

The ACS Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents "Bonds That Matter: Soft Materials for a Sustainable World" at the Spring 2025 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education, the all-day symposium is entirely planned by graduate students, including topic selection, fundraising, recruiting speakers, advertising, and symposium logistics. The focus of the symposium is the production and processing of high performance, sustainable soft matter and its role in achieving a circular economy.